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Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Lutheran Church
13028 Harrowgate Rd, Chester, VA 23831, (804) 748-6058
Sunday School (all ages) at 9:30am
Worship Sundays at 8:15 & 10:45am
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Grace Lutheran Leadership

Senior Pastor - Rev. Jaim Gann
Email: pastor@gracelutheranva.org
Phone: 804-748-6058, Cell: 856-275-9575
"I love sharing the good news about Jesus with people who haven't heard it before, or who have forgotten that it speaks to them. Jesus and His saving work are life, joy, peace, and the "yes" to all of God's promises. What could be better then sharing these gifts with others? For my part, I can't think of anything that would be."

Family Life - Crystal Mullin
Email: familylife@gracelutheranva.org
Phone: Office 804-748-6058, Cell 804-892-5200
In 2016, I had just graduated and I thought I was on the way to becoming a teacher, but God shows himself in incredible ways! I felt God calling me to a life of faith work, where I could share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around me.
All I wish is that when you come to Grace, you feel as welcome as you would in your family's home, cause that's where you are!

Director of Music - Gary Kunde
Email: musicdirector@gracelutheranva.org
Phone: 912-320-8681
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Secretary - Mette Shultz
Email: churchoffice@gracelutheranva.org
Phone: 804-748-6058
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Council President - Bob MacMeccan
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Vice President (Admin) - Don Smith
Email: vpadmin@gracelutheranva.org
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Vice President (Missions) - VACANT
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Treasurer - Barbara Gross
Email: gross.barbara144@gmail.com
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Head Deacon - Barry Richards
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Finance - Josh Nichols
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."
Director of Activities - Noelle Franklin
"I am an 8th grade social studies teacher, and I have lived in Chesterfield for almost 50 years. My son and I graduated from James Madison University (Go Dukes!). I enjoy volunteering and serving others. Please contact me if you have an idea for a project that could help benefit our community!"

Director of Property - Jim Donivan
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Stewardship - VACANT
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Outreach - Donna Roye
Email: outreach@gracelutheranva.org
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Communications - Lisa Scott
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Worship - Cathy Buchter
Email: worship@gracelutheranva.org
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Christian Education - Amy Duck
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."

Director of Community Ministry - Joan Philipkosky
"By Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone."